Thursday, March 8, 2012

Awesome Day :)

Alhamdulillah. One of the sweetest days ever. Semalam hari saya turn to 20 :)

Biasanya, kalau birthday, I prefer to play cool. Buat-buat tak kisah, so that saya tak nampak macam excited sangat time birthday. Macamkan orang lain tak ada birthday kan?

But I guess I failed. This year's birthday was just sweet to play cool.

Macam biasalah, saya terima banyak wish kat Facebook. I appreciate them all, each of them made my day. Baik kawan kolej, kawan sekolah, kawan online... Well, saya berterima kasih :)

Tapi, dah tentulah ucapan mama yang paling istimewa. Mama call, dalam pukul 7 pagi tu, lepas tu cakap,

"Happy birthday, I love you."

Setiap kali mama cakap ayat-ayat cinta ni, hati mulalah touching bagai. Tapi sebagai kanak-kanak berhati tak lembut sangat, the most that I can to my mom is,

"Terima kasih mama."

Maaflah mama, anak mama belum belajar nak sebut I Love You dengan betul. Setakat ni baru belajar berlatih sebut Thanks dengan Sorry. But I'll definitely kiss and hug you when I come back later.

The truth is, I love you too mama :)

Classmate saya pun, pandai je diorang buat saya terharu sampai shaking. They sang to me a song, in room and in class, unexpectedly. I was labeled 'birthday girl' today. Haziq beritahu saya, "seronoklah kau kena layan macam puteri hari ni~" Haha.

Seriously, just... Terima kasih. Sangat-sangat. Terima kasih.

Saya sayang mereka, seikhlas mana saya boleh. Trying to not expect anything in return, sebab pada saya, sincere love doesn't need expectation.

But, when the love is reciprocated, knowing that I'm loved back; it makes me want to love them more. And it actually feels good.

Thanks for make me feel I'm loved, despite of these flaws I have with me.

Terima kasih semua. Harap kasih sayang saya tak terhenti di sini. Harap kasih sayang saya mampu memberi sesuatu dalam hidup semua. Saya harap ruang kasih yang ada, masih cukup untuk saya tambah kasih sayang saya.

Saya bersyukur, dan saya sayang semuanya.